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Exam Code: 1Z0-898
Exam Name: Oracle (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Java Persistence API Developer Certified Expert Exam)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 63 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-02

In recent years, fierce competition agitates the forwarding IT industry in the world. And IT certification has become a necessity. If you want to get a good improvement in your career, The method that using the ITCertKing’s Oracle 1Z0-898 exam training materials to obtain a certificate is very feasible. Our exam materials are including all the questions which the exam required. So the materials will be able to help you to pass the exam.

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NO.1 An application that uses pessimistic locking calls an updateData method that results in a
LockTimeoutException being thrown.What three statements are correct? (Choose three)
A.The current transaction continues.
B.The current statement continues.
C.The current transaction is rolled back.
D.The current statement is rolled back.
E.The LockTimeoutException can NOT be caught.
F.The LockTimeoutException can be caught, and the updateData method retried.
Answer: A,D,F

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NO.2 A developer has created an application managed entity manager.Which statement is correct?
A.A new persistence context begins when the entity manager is created.
B.A new persistence context begins when a new JTA transaction begins.
C.A new persistence context begins when the entity manager is invoked in the context o\ transaction.
D.A new persistence context begins when the entity manager is invoked in the context of a resource-local
Answer: B

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NO.3 Entity lifecycle callback methods may be defined in which three classes.? (Choose three)
A.Embedded classes
B.Entity classes
C.Abstract classes
D.Entity listener classes
E.Mapped superclasses
F.Concrete non-entity superclasses
Answer: B,D,E

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NO.4 A developer has created a deep entity class hierarchy with many polymorphic relationships between
entitles.Which inheritance strategy, as defined by the inheritanceType enumerated type, will be most
performed in this scenario?
A.Single table-per-class-hierarchy (InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
B.Joined-subclass (inheritanceType.JOINED)
C.Table-per-concrete-class (inheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
D.Polymorphic join table (inheritanceType.POLYMORPHIC_JOIN_TABLE)
Answer: C

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NO.5 Given the following code:
Public void create () {
try {
doA () {
} catch (PersistenceException e) {} try (doB) ();
} catch (PersistenceException e) {}
Calling method doA will cause an NonUniqueResultException to be thrown.Calling method doB will cause
an EntityExistsException to be thrown.
What two options describe what will happen when the create method is called within an application ' uses
container managed transactions? (Choose two)
A.Method doB will never be called.
B.The current transaction will continue after doA executes.
C.The current transaction will continue after doB executes.
D.The current transaction will be marked for rollback when doA is called.
E.The current transaction will be marked for rollback when doB is called.
Answer: C,E

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NO.6 Given:
Which statement is correct?
A.The method will return TRUE.
B.The method will return FALSE.
C.The method will throw an exception.
D.The order instance will be removed from the database.
Answer: C

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NO.7 A developer is creating an entity which is mapped to a table that has a primary key constraint defined on
two character columns and would like to use mapping defaults as much as possible to simplify the code.
Which two mapping options can be chosen? (Choose two.)
A.Use an @id property that constructs a private field as a concatenation of two columns.
B.Use a separate class to map those two columns and use an @idclass annotation to denote I primary
key field or property in the entity.
C.Use a separate @Embeddable class to map those two columns and use an @EmbeddedId annotation
to denote a single primary key field or property in the entity.
D.Use a separate @Embeddable class to map those two column and add two fields or properties the
entity, each marked as @id, that correspond to the fields or properties in the embeddable class.
E.Use a separate class to map those two columns.Specify that class using @Idclass annotation on the
entity class.Add two fields or properties to the entity, each marked as @Id, that correspond to the fields or
properties in that separate class.
Answer: B,C

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NO.8 Consider a persistence application with the following orm.xml:
What will be the effect of the above orm.xml?
A.The access type for only those entities that have not explicitly specified @Access will be defaulted to
B.The access type for all entities in the persistence unit will be changed to FIELD.
C.The access type for allentities specified in this orm.xmlwill be changed to FIELD.
D.The access type for only those entities defined in thisorm-xml for which access is notspecified will be
defaulted to FIELD.
Answer: D

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NO.9 A developer wants to model the grades for a student as a Map<course, integer>.Assume that Student
and Course are entitles, and that grades are modeled by integers.
Which of the following two statements are correct? (Choose two)
A.The developer can model the grades as an element collection in the Student entity.
B.The developer can model the grades as a oneToMany relationship in the Student entity.
C.The mapping for the key of the map can be specified by the @MapKeycolumn annotation.
D.The mapping for the value of the map can be specified by the @Column annotation.
Answer: A,C

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NO.10 A developer wrote an entity class with the following method:
Private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger ( ° m yLogge¡± )
@PrePersist @PreUpdate Public void doA () { Logger.info ( ° ¡± ); } @ P o s t P ersis t @ P o s t U pd ate Pu b l ic v oi
doB () { logger.info ( ° ¡± );
What will the log message contain when an application does the following?
Begins a transaction
Creates the entity
Persists the entity
Commits the transaction
Begins the entity data
Modifies the entity data
Merges the entity
Commits the second transaction
D.The application will throw an exception because multiple lifecycle callback annotations applied to a
single method.
Answer: B

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