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NO.1 Web graphics 40mm x 60mm. Which format do you load to achieve the fastest download when user
A. 72dpi
B. 98dpi
C. 100dpi
D. 300dpi
Answer: A
CompTIA IK0-002 exam prep IK0-002
NO.2 What is the default port for HTTP?
A. 21
B. 25
C. 80
D. 110
Answer: C
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NO.3 Which DNS record tells you mail servers?
Answer: D
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NO.4 Which command matches IP address to MAC address?
A. arp
B. ipconfig
C. winipcfg
D. nbtstat
Answer: A
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NO.5 Within a DNS record where can you find the name of the administrator.
Answer: B
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NO.6 Which is not a required HTML Tag?
B. <Body>
C. <Head>
Answer: A
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NO.7 When a system is sent ICMP echo requests repeatedly, it is a
A. PING attack
B. SYN attack
D. Telnet attack
Answer: A
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NO.8 Which device cannot be infected with a virus?
A. Router
B. Hub
C. Gateway D. NIC
Answer: B
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NO.9 How many 64 Kbps channels are in a ISDN?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 8
D. 12
Answer: B
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NO.10 Which supports encryption?
Answer: C
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NO.11 What network device enables you to communicate with other systems using different protocol?
A. Router
B. Hub
C. Bridge
D. Gateway
Answer: D
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NO.12 When a new idea is being considered for adoption regarding the Internet, it is first posted as an:
Answer: B
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NO.13 What is the default port for Telnet?
A. 21
B. 23
C. 25
D. 80
Answer: B
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NO.14 Which command checks the current open TCP/IP connections?
A. netstat
B. Ping
C. ipconfig
D. winipcfg
Answer: A
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NO.15 You have a Remote access server (RAS) used by your colleagues working at home. You are
concerned about the security. What should you do to have a better security measure?
A. Installing firewall
B. Change password
C. Use SSL for the connection
D. Enable call back
Answer: D
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NO.16 What is the default port for SMTP?
A. 21
B. 25
C. 80
D. 110
Answer: B
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NO.17 Which supports animation of graphics on web?
C. jpeg
D. png
Answer: B
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NO.18 What TCP/IP protocol can be used for directory access?
Answer: A
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NO.19 How are cookies stored?
A. Unencrypted text file on client
B. Unencrypted text file on server
C. Encrypted text file on client
D. Encrypted text file on server
Answer: A
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NO.20 What are the best types of documents to distribute using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)?
A. Memos
B. Orders and invoices
C. Reports
Answer: B
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NO.21 What is the default port for FTP?
A. 21
B. 25
C. 80
D. 110
Answer: A
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NO.22 What do you call the first DNS server?
A. First
B. Master
C. Slave
D. Primary
Answer: D
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NO.23 Your company has connection with the business partners. What is it called?
A. Intranet
B. Extranet
C. Internet
D. Private network
Answer: B
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NO.24 Your company has heterogeneous systems (different operating systems/machines). You want to have
a better security and you want your company to issue certificates for user communication. What server
should you implement?
A. Directory server
B. Certificate server C. Authentication server
D. Telnet server
Answer: B
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NO.25 Which one has speeds off 51.84Mbps?
A. T1
B. T3
C. OC1
D. OC3
Answer: C
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NO.26 Which executes on server side?
B. C++
C. JavaScript
Answer: A
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NO.27 What do you need on your e-commerce system to process credit card transactions?
A. Online catalog
B. Virtual shopping carts/Checkouts
C. Merchant system
D. Intranet
Answer: C
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NO.28 What uses vector graphics to display web images?
A. Flash
B. Shockwave
C. Real Media D. QuickTime VR
Answer: A
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NO.29 What TCP/IP utility is used to see current contents of a packet on your computer?
A. tracert
B. protocol analyzer
C. ping
D. ipconfig
Answer: B
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NO.30 What UART chip is needed to provide a modem connection of 115200 bps?
A. 85.xx
B. 65.xx
C. 100.xx
D. 165.xx
Answer: D
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