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Exam Code: 1Z1-238
Exam Name: Oracle (R12 Oracle: install,Patch and Maintain Oracle Applications)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 223 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-10-02
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NO.1 AD Administration contains a utility named Maintain Snapshot Information. Which statements
correctly describe the functionality of this utility? (Choose all that apply.)
A.You can create a copy of an existing snapshot.
B.You can delete the current view snapshot.
C.You can create a list of the current view and named snapshots stored in your system.
D.You can export an existing snapshot to a file for storage or to another system.
E.You can update the current view snapshot with any changes to the snapshot since the last update.
Answer: ACDE
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NO.2 You experience report-error problems in the Inventory module after applying a patch to the same
You run the AD Administration utility, and select the Generate Application Files menu. Because you have
report problems, you decide to run Generate Report Files.
You answered the following questions during the utility run:
1. Do you want to generate Oracle report objects using the current character set? (You answer Yes.)
2. Do you want to regenerate the Oracle reports PL/SQL library files? (You answer No.)
3. Do you want to regenerate Oracle reports executable files? (You answer Yes.)
4. For which products do you want to generate Oracle report objects? (You answer "all reports in INV.")
After you run the AD utilities, most reports in Inventory run with no errors. However, you still experience
errors with two reports.
Which two statements explain why the two reports still run with errors? (Choose two.)
A.You have reports in a different language.
B.You have reports with external library files.
C.You have custom reports in a custom directory.
D.You have reports from a different module being referenced on the Inventory report menu.
Answer: B
Oracle answers real questions 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 original questions
NO.3 You just brought the middle tier back after a hardware problem has been fixed. Oracle Applications
now experience problems with an entire product group of forms (fnd), which includes the sign-on form.
You decide that you will generate the forms files in AD Administration to see whether this will fix
You answered the prompts from the utility as follows:
1. Do you want to generate Oracle Forms using your current character set? (Yes)
2. Do you want to regenerate Oracle Forms PL/SQL library files? (Yes)
3. Do you want to regenerate Oracle Forms executable files? (Yes)
4. Do you want to regenerate Oracle Forms menu files? (Yes)
5. Enter the list of products, or enter 'all' [all]: (fnd)
6. Do you want to generate specific form objects for each selected product? (Yes)
7. Enter libraries and menus to generate, or enter 'all' [all]: (APPCORE.pll, the main library)
8. Enter forms to generate, or enter 'all' [all]: FNDSCSGN.fmx
The utility finished with no errors in the log file.
What is the outcome of running the adadmin utility?
A.All forms in the product group fnd now render with errors.
B.All forms in the product group fnd now render without errors.
C.All forms but one in the product group fnd now render with errors.
D.All forms but one in the product group fnd now render without errors.
Answer: C
Oracle test answers 1Z1-238 practice test 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 study guide
NO.4 Identify the files that are changed when you run AutoConfig. (Choose all that apply.)
Answer: ABD
Oracle 1Z1-238 1Z1-238
NO.5 As part of the cloning process, the Applications DBA needs to copy the application tier file system to the
target system.
Which step is NOT a part of this process?
A.Shut down the application tier server processes.
B.Log on to the target system application tier nodes as the oracle user.
C.Copy the APPL_TOP directory from the source node to the target node.
D.Copy the directory from the source node to the target node.
E.Copy the directory from the source node to the target node.
F.Copy the directory from the source node to the target node.
G.Copy the <806 ORACLE_HOME> directory from the source node to the target node.
Answer: B
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NO.6 What are the two possible sequences of worker status while a job is being completed by a worker?
(Choose two.)
A.Waiting => Assigned => Running => Completed
B.Assigned => Waiting => Running => Completed
C.Waiting => Assigned => Running => Failed => Fixed, Restart => Restarted => Completed
D.Assigned => Waiting => Running => Failed => Fixed, Restart => Restarted => Completed
E.Waiting => Assigned => Running => Failed => Fixed, Restart => Restarted => Running => Completed
Answer: AC
Oracle 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 certification training 1Z1-238 certification
NO.7 Identify two ways in which you validate the APPS schema in the Oracle Applications R12 E-Business
Suite setup. (Choose two.)
A.Run the /appsutil/scripts//advrfapp.sh script.
B.Run the AD Administration utility in noninteractive mode with the default file having
C.Run the AD Administration utility in interactive mode, and then select Compile/Reload Applications
Database Entities menu > Compile APPS Schema option.
D. Use SQL*PLUS / @$AD_TOP/admin/sql/advrfapp.sql .
Answer: BD
Oracle dumps 1Z1-238 1Z1-238
NO.8 What is the default value of ?
Answer: D
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NO.9 After the successful installation of Oracle Applications Release 12, environment files are created.
Which environment file is used to identify and describe third-party and custom applications linked with
Oracle Applications?
A.the context file
B.the devenv.env file
C.the fndenv.env file
D.the adovars.env file
E.the adconfig.txt file
Answer: B
Oracle exam dumps 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 original questions
NO.10 Identify the patch that you apply to upgrade the Oracle Applications system from the 11.5.5 version to
the 11.5.10 version.
A.diagnostic patch
B.stand-alone patch
C.maintenance pack
D.product family release update pack
Answer: C
Oracle braindump 1Z1-238 exam 1Z1-238 exam simulations 1Z1-238
NO.11 You want to apply a patch on your Oracle Applications system. Before doing this, you want to view the
files that are new, changed, and ignored while applying the patch.
Which feature of the Patch Wizard would help you accomplish this?
A.Patch Filters
B.Patch Impact Analysis
C.Recommended Patches
D.Patch Information Bundle
Answer: B
Oracle 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 questions 1Z1-238 1Z1-238
NO.12 You run the AD Administration utility and select the Relink Applications programs.
You answered the following questions during the utility run:
Do you wish to proceed with the relink [Yes]? (You answer Yes.)
Enter the list of products to link ("all" for all products) [all]? (You answer "ad." )
Do you want to generate specific executables for each selected product [No]? (You answer Yes.)
AD Administration can relink your Oracle Applications programs with debug
information. Oracle recommends that you do not relink your programs
with debug information unless asked to do so by Oracle Support Services.
Do you want to relink with debug information [No]? (You answer No.)
What is the next question asked by adadmin?
A.It gives you a list of all executables to choose from.
B.It gives you the list of "ad" executables to choose from.
C.It gives you the list of all executables except "ad" to choose from.
D.It asks no question. It displays the message "Review the messages above, then press [Return] to
Answer: D
Oracle certification training 1Z1-238 exam prep 1Z1-238 test
NO.13 During installation, the Rapid Install process creates ______ that are used to start and stop the server
processes on the database tier.
A.JServer load balancers
B.cost-based optimizers
C.database resource managers
D.session-persistent load balancers
E.database-tier server process scripts
Answer: E
Oracle test answers 1Z1-238 study guide 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 test answers
NO.14 Which table is used by AutoPatch as a staging area for the job information in parallel mode and needs
to be dropped to start a new autopatch session if the earlier session failed?
Answer: C
Oracle original questions 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 exam
NO.15 You discover that you will be applying an application patch on your APPL_TOP by using AutoPatch,
contains a compatible feature, the prereq line.
To ensure that the automatic, prerequisite patch-checking feature operates during the application of the
patch, you must run AD Administration, Maintain Snapshot Information, then perform some key tasks, and
then AutoPatch.
Select four key Maintain Snapshot Information tasks or combination of tasks that will ensure that the
prerequisite patch-checking feature operates during the application of the patch. (Choose four.)
A.Update a current view snapshot, or create a named snapshot.
B.Export a snapshot to a file, and then delete the named snapshot.
C.Import an up-to-date snapshot from a file from a different APPL_TOP.
D.List snapshots, delete the named snapshot, and create a named snapshot.
E.Copy the existing snapshot, delete the named snapshot, and then create a named snapshot.
Answer: ACDE
Oracle test 1Z1-238 test questions 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 1Z1-238
NO.16 Which command can be used only with a single-node installation?
A.rapidwiz -restart
B.rapidwiz -techstack
C.rapidwiz -servername
D.rapidwiz -silent -config
Answer: C
Oracle 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 pdf 1Z1-238 exam prep
NO.17 Before you apply a patch, you read the readme.txt file.
One of the areas of Oracle Applications to which the patch will be applied is JAVA_TOP.
The readme file mentions that you may need to generate product JAR files in the AD Administration
utilities after the patch is applied.
When generating product JAR files, the AD Administration utility will prompt you with the question: Do you
want to force the generation of all JAR files?
What are the three occasions when you need to force the generation of all JAR files? (Choose three.)
A.after changing your digital signature
B.after updating to a new Java version
C.if you find you have missing or out-of-date JAR files
D.if you are upgrading the Oracle Developer technology stack
Answer: ABD
Oracle questions 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 braindump 1Z1-238 answers real questions
NO.18 What are the two occasions when it is appropriate to run "Compile APPS schema" by using the AD
Administration utility in the Oracle Applications R12 E-Business Suite environment? (Choose two.)
A.during the Oracle Applications R12 E-Business Suite upgrade process
B.when custom packages are moved to the APPS schema and need to be compiled
C.after enabling the multiple reporting currencies in the Oracle Applications R12 E-Business Suite
D.after enabling the multiorganization functionality in the Oracle Applications R12 E-Business Suite
E.when encountering invalid objects in the SYS and SYSTEM schemas in the Oracle Applications R12
E-Business Suite database
Answer: AB
Oracle exam 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 1Z1-238 certification
NO.19 While working with Web forms an application user sometimes comes across a performance issue. The
initial screen takes too long to appear with the Web form screen, showing the status "Downloading JAR
files..." for a long time.
Identify the reasons for this. (Choose two.)
A.It always takes time to load the Web forms.
B.An older version of Sun J2SE plug-in is installed on the Desktop tier.
C.JAR files for the Forms client applet are downloaded automatically the first time it is used.
D.The browser will automatically retrieve new JAR files if they have changed on the application tier.
E.The Internet Explorer browser security level should be set as "Low" for the zone that contains the
Oracle Application Release 12 Web pages.
Answer: CD
Oracle questions 1Z1-238 study guide 1Z1-238 exam 1Z1-238 practice test 1Z1-238 study guide 1Z1-238 answers real questions
NO.20 If the patch is running in Pre-Install mode, where would the patch history files be stored in Oracle
Applications R12 configured on a UNIX operating system?
Answer: D
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