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Exam Code: MB6-700
Exam Name: Microsoft (Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Project)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 82 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-10-30
MB6-700 Free Demo Download:
NO.1 You attach an invoice format to the project contract. Which item is controlled by the invoice
format setting?
A. invoice output destination
B. invoice currency
C. invoice summarization
D. invoice orientation
Answer: C
Microsoft MB6-700 practice test MB6-700 MB6-700 braindump MB6-700 exam prep
NO.2 You need to configure worker validation project assignments to ensure that certain projects
are available for a specific worker. On which form should you configure this type of validation?
A. project
B. project contract
C. worker
D. project management and accounting parameters
Answer: C
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NO.3 Which journalizing option is used only for time tracking?
A. No ledger
B. Profit and loss
C. Never ledger
D. Balance
Answer: A
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NO.4 You need to track the project costs in balance accounts until the customer is invoiced. Which
type of project should you use?
A. fixed-price project with completed contract
B. fixed-price project with completed percentage and sales value
C. time and material project with work in process (WIP)
D. internal project with work in process (WIP)
E. time and material projects with accruals
Answer: C
Microsoft MB6-700 test MB6-700 test questions MB6-700 braindump
NO.5 You need a quick snapshot view of a project's progress. Which form should you use?
A. Invoice control
B. Project statements
C. Cash flow
D. Cost control
Answer: B
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NO.6 You set up a new internal project. You need to manually create a hierarchical representation of
the activities for the project. Which form should you use?
A. Activities
B. Assign resources
C. Work breakdown structure template
D. Work breakdown structure
Answer: D
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NO.7 You set up three pay-when-paid (PWP) terms and assign them to the vendors for a project. For
the first PWP term, you set the account code for all vendors (All). For the second PWP term, you set
the account code for an individual vendor (Table). For the third PWP term, you set the account code
for a group of vendors (Group). What is the order of precedence for assigning the PWP terms when
you create a project purchase order?
A. Table, All, Group
B. All, Group, Table
C. Table, Group, All
D. All, Table, Group
Answer: C
Microsoft MB6-700 certification MB6-700 test MB6-700
NO.8 You need to set up a pay when paid (PWP) term for a project. Which project type should you
A. time and material
B. internal
C. cost
D. fixed-price
Answer: A
Microsoft MB6-700 test answers MB6-700 MB6-700 original questions
NO.9 You set up project management and accounting. You need to represent the types of
costs and revenues that are defined for all projects in your entire organization.
Which item should you create to organize categories?
A. shared category
B. expense category
C. project category
D. category group
Answer: D
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NO.10 You configure a timesheet workflow. What is the Assignment function used to define?
A. conditions for approval of the timesheet
B. notifications after approval of a timesheet
C. submitters of the timesheet
D. reviewers of the timesheet
Answer: D
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NO.11 Which three items are valid project types? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution.
Choose three.)
A. Investment
B. Profit and loss
C. Time
D. Time and material
E. Quotation
Answer: A,B,E
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NO.12 Which two
statements about a header project are true? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
Choose two.)
A. Transactions cannot be posted to a header project.
B. A header project is designated by the Project group field.
C. Each level of a project hierarchy can have only one project header.
D. A header project must be created at the top level of a hierarchy.
Answer: A,D
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