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Exam Code: HP0-J22
Exam Name: HP (Designing HP StorageWorks Solutions)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 187 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-01-31
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NO.1 What is required to allow an HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array to become a unified block and
file storage solution, serving both block and file data concurrently with high availability and scalable
A.EVA File Services
B.EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option
C.VLS EVA Gateway
D.Multi-Protocol EVA Gateway
HP questions HP0-J22 braindump HP0-J22 questions HP0-J22
NO.2 An additional spare disk is recommended for which RAID level in an HP StorageWorks XP Disk Array?
A.2D + 2D
B.3D + 3P
C.4D + 4D
D.7D + 1P
HP HP0-J22 certification training HP0-J22
NO.3 Which software solution is used to provision storage on the EVA4400?
A.Virtual Storage Provisioner
B.Dynamic Capacity Management
C.Virtual Replication Manager
D.Storage Presentation Manager
HP HP0-J22 answers real questions HP0-J22 HP0-J22 HP0-J22
NO.4 A customer is concerned about growth of the company's HP Data Protector Software database. Which
tool will address this concern?
A.HP StorageWorks sizing tool
B.HP Data Protector database sizer
C.Database Configuration Worksheet
D.Capacity Planning Spreadsheet
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NO.5 Click the Exhibit button. What is the maximum number of EVA LUNs that can be presented to an HBA
target with multi-path I/O (MPIO) in an AIX environment?
HP demo HP0-J22 test answers HP0-J22 HP0-J22
NO.6 You are designing an upgrade of an existing HP Data Protector Software environment. Which Data
Protector command line utility can you use to collect system and Data Protector configuration data for this
B.omnicc -info
D.capture configuration
HP HP0-J22 exam HP0-J22
NO.7 Which administration, configuration, and management tool is used with the HP MSA2000 Storage Array?
A.MSA Insight Configurator
B.Command View MSA
C.Storage Management Utility
D.Array Configuration Utility
HP exam simulations HP0-J22 HP0-J22 HP0-J22
NO.8 Click the Task button. Match the HP Network Attached Storage products with the appropriate customer
environment and target market. Answer & Explanation Correct Answer Explanations No more information
NO.9 A customer has a heterogeneous environment consisting of AIX and Solaris servers with HP
StorageWorks disk arrays. Which software products can be used to implement an extended application
failover solution? (Select two.)
B.Continuous Access XP
C.LUN Security XP Extension
D.Metro Cluster
E.Cluster Extension XP
Answer:B E
HP exam HP0-J22 HP0-J22 HP0-J22 certification
NO.10 Which statement is correct regarding an All-in-One SB600c used for file services (CIFS and NFS)?
A.The All-in-One SB600c is an appliance and can only host data for databases.
B.The All-in-One SB600c can only host data for customer-developed applications if the iSCSI target
functionality is used.
C.The All-in-One SB600c requires two dual-core CPUs to provide CIFS and NAS at the same time.
D.The All-in-One SB600c is designed to support multiprotocol file services.
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Article Link: http://www.itcertking.com/HP0-J22_exam.html