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Exam Code: 098-372
Exam Name: Microsoft (Microsoft .NET Fundamentals)
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Total Q&A: 230 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-01-05
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NO.1 A class named Student is contained inside a namespace named Contoso.Registration.
Another class named Student is contained inside a namespace named Contoso.Contacts.
You need to use both classes within the same code file.
What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
Choose two.)
A. Add the following line of code on the top of the code file,
Using Contoso;
Refer to the classes by using the Student class wrapped within the regions named
Registration and Contacts.
B. Refer to the classes by using their fully qualified class names,
Contoso.Registration.Student and Contoso.Contacts.Student.
C. Add the following lines of code on the top of the code file.
Using Contoso.Contacts;
Using Contoso.Registration;
Refer to the classes by using the Student class.
D. Add the following lines of code on the top of the code file.
Using RStudent = Contoso.Registration.Student;
Using CStudent = Contoso.Contacts.Student;
Refer to the classes as RStudent and CStudent.
Answer: A,C
Microsoft 098-372 test answers 098-372 braindump
NO.2 You need to suspend the current thread until all Finalize() methods have been processed.
Which garbage collection method should you use?
A. WaitforPendingFinalizers
B. SuppressFinalize
C. Collect
D. Dispose
Answer: D
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NO.3 Which feature is automatically handled in managed code but must be explicitly handled in
unmanaged code?
A. Namespaces
B. Code signing
C. Memory disposal
D. Exception handling
Answer: C
Microsoft 098-372 test questions 098-372 098-372 098-372 dumps
NO.4 Why do managed languages use references and not pointers?
A. Pointer notation requires more characters than reference notation.
B. Pointers are stored by using a fixed amount of memory.
C. Pointers are not type-safe.
D. Null pointers can lead to run-time errors.
Answer: C
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NO.5 Which describes the effect of applying the protected accessibility modifier to a method?
A. The method is available to all classes derived from the declaring class.
B. The method is available only to other methods in the same class.
C. The method cannot be overridden in child classes.
D. The method is available only to classes in the same assembly.
Answer: A
Microsoft 098-372 demo 098-372 test questions 098-372 test
NO.6 Which is the base class of all classes in the .NET Framework?
A. System.Net
B. System.Drawing
C. System.Object
D. System
Answer: C
Microsoft 098-372 098-372 answers real questions 098-372 exam
NO.7 You create a class library named Contoso.Business. The library is used in a Windows
application named Contoso.Ui.
In which file should you store application configuration settings during deployment?
A. Web.config
B. Machine.config
C. Contoso.Ui.config
D. Contoso.Business.config
Answer: C
Microsoft braindump 098-372 test answers 098-372 study guide 098-372
NO.8 What is the name of the environment that runs .NET managed code?
A. Common Language Runtime (CLR)
B. Component Object Model (COM)
C. Virtual Private Network (VPN)
D. Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
Answer: A
Microsoft certification 098-372 questions 098-372 exam
NO.9 You want to access a native Win32 function from a .NET application.
You import the function.
Which two keywords should you use to define the function? (Each correct answer presents part of
the solution. Choose two.)
A. Extern
B. Static
C. Private
D. Public
Answer: A,D
Microsoft 098-372 exam dumps 098-372 practice test 098-372 exam prep
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
public partial class MainWindow : Window
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr SetParent(IntPtr hWndChild, IntPtr hWndNewParent);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);
public MainWindow()
private void btnHost_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
WindowInteropHelper wndHelp = new WindowInteropHelper(this);
// Sleep the thread in order to let the Notepad start completely
SetParent(FindWindow("NotePad", "Untitled - Notepad"), wndHelp.Handle);
NO.10 You want to raise a custom exception.
Which keyword should you use?
A. Finally
B. Catch
C. Try
D. Throw
Answer: D
Microsoft 098-372 098-372 practice test 098-372 certification
NO.11 Which collection enforces type safety?
A. Queue
B. Hashtable
C. ArrayList
D. List<T>
Answer: D
Microsoft exam 098-372 certification training 098-372 certification
NO.12 Which core technology allows interoperability between Microsoft Visual Basic .NET code and
C# code?
A. Microsoft Visual Studio
B. Windows 7
C. Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
D. Windows Azure
Answer: C
Microsoft 098-372 098-372 braindump
NO.13 What is an advantage of strongly typed code languages like .NET?
A. Use of efficient type casting.
B. Use of less memory.
C. Capturing of errors during compilation.
D. Improved readability.
Answer: C
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NO.14 What is the purpose of the app.config file?
A. To configure the version of .NET targeted by the application.
B. To load references to third-party libraries used by the application.
C. To find out the programming language of the application.
D. To configure the target operating system of the application.
Answer: A
Microsoft 098-372 practice test 098-372 098-372 098-372 certification 098-372
NO.15 You need to trace the execution of an application that contains C# code and Microsoft Visual
Basic .NET code.
Which tool should you use?
A. Machine Debug Manager
B. Remote Debug Monitor
C. Microsoft Visual Studio
D. CLR Profiler
Answer: C
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