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Exam Code: CD0-001
Exam Name: CompTIA (CompTIA CDIA+ Certification Exam)
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Total Q&A: 255 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-01-28
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CD0-001 Free Demo Download:
NO.1 The processes a very large number of invoices daily that are of non-standard sized and
thickness. Which of the following is the most important criterion for selecting a scanner for me ?
B. Lamps
C. High Speed
D. Despeckling
Answer: A
CompTIA CD0-001 test answers CD0-001 braindump CD0-001 questions CD0-001 questions
NO.2 The is implementing a document imaging system and making the images available via the
Which of the following issues is the most important security consideration?
A. User profiling
B. Virus protection
C. Firewall configuration
D. Disaster recover and data restoration
Answer: C
CompTIA CD0-001 CD0-001 braindump CD0-001 CD0-001 practice test
NO.3 An end-user wants a user interface that is easy to personalize, will allow for new applications
to be added, and will allow for inter-application communication. Which of the following interfaces
will meet these requirements?
A. A portal
B. A browser
C. A customer Windows client
D. A Java client written with JavaServer Pages (JSP)
Answer: A
CompTIA CD0-001 questions CD0-001 exam simulations CD0-001 CD0-001 CD0-001
NO.4 What is a disadvantage of scanning all images at the highest resolution possible?
A. Higher expense
B. Lower quality
C. Small file size
D. Compatibility issues
Answer: A
CompTIA certification CD0-001 answers real questions CD0-001 pdf CD0-001 questions
NO.5 The needs to send scanned forms to various remote offices. They receive and scan 100 forms
a day.
Approximately how long would it take to transmit 100 50KB images using a 56Kbps modem
assuming a 10% throughput reduction for overhead?
A. 8 minutes
B. 13 minutes
C. 18 minutes
D. 26 minutes
Answer: B
CompTIA CD0-001 CD0-001 CD0-001
NO.6 A title company wishes to scope out its residential mortgage packaging business process. All of
the mortgage packets are internally received at a central office. How should a consultant next
proceed in the identification phase?
A. Locate key stakeholder groups and observe the workflow in action
B. Conduct focus groups with members of each department
C. Develop a detailed process workflow and refer back to all the participating decision makers
D. Conduct an electronic survey to all the customers employees documenting the responses in a
project database
Answer: A
CompTIA certification training CD0-001 CD0-001 CD0-001 demo
NO.7 Scope creep can often occur when:
A. there is project buy-in.
B. there is a concise project plan.
C. project deliverables are poorly defined.
D. outsourcing is an option.
Answer: C
CompTIA CD0-001 CD0-001 certification
NO.8 A company needs to scan 5,000 three-page documents every Monday. Each document is 65
KB in size. What is the annual storage requirement?
A. 8.2 MB
B. 16.5 MB
C. 16.1 GB
D. 32.5 GB
Answer: C
CompTIA CD0-001 CD0-001 test CD0-001
NO.9 After analyzing a department's business process, the consultant notices several redundant
steps in data
entry that impede efficiency. He recommends significant changes. Which of the following should the
consultant provide to communicate these changes?
A. User manuals
B. A white paper
C. Proof of concept
D. Technical manuals
Answer: B,C
CompTIA CD0-001 CD0-001 test CD0-001 CD0-001 exam dumps CD0-001
NO.10 The is implementing a document imaging system and making the images available via the
Which of the following issues is the most important security consideration?
A. User profiling
B. Firewall configuration
C. Disaster recover and data restoration
D. Disaster recover and data restoration
Answer: B
CompTIA test questions CD0-001 certification training CD0-001 CD0-001 answers real questions CD0-001 practice test CD0-001
NO.11 The plans to implement a new document management solution and move from optical
storage to RAID5 storage. When they convert the document images from the optical platters to
RAID5, how many pages will there be from a jukebox with ten 2.6GB platters, each of which 90% is
full, assuming that average image size is 50KB?
A. 468,000 pages
B. 520,000 pages
C. 4,680,000 pages
D. 5,200,000 pages
Answer: A
CompTIA exam dumps CD0-001 test CD0-001 CD0-001 CD0-001 demo CD0-001 exam prep
NO.12 A company needs to store 500 two-page documents every day. Each document is 50 KB. What
storage capacity is required for one month, assuming 21.5 days per month?
A. 525 MB
B. 651 MB
C. 1.05 GB
D. 5.25 GB
Answer: A
CompTIA certification CD0-001 CD0-001 CD0-001
NO.13 A component of designing the input environment would include:
A. document quality.
B. printing volume.
C. storage media.
D. print media.
Answer: A
CompTIA exam prep CD0-001 practice test CD0-001 CD0-001
NO.14 A change control plan is concerned with all of the following EXCEPT:
A. responding to the factors that create scope change.
B. determining that a scope change has occurred.
C. documenting baseline project plan assumptions.
D. managing the actual modifications when and if any occur.
Answer: C
CompTIA CD0-001 certification training CD0-001 test answers CD0-001
NO.15 In a Request For Proposal (RFP) for an Electronic Document Management (EDM) solution, the
customer is requiring a total cost for all goods and services. This model is known as:
A. fixed price.
B. time and materials.
C. time and materials with travel expenses.
D. mixed mode pricing.
Answer: A
CompTIA CD0-001 exam prep CD0-001 exam prep CD0-001 certification training
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