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Exam Code: 117-199
Exam Name: Lpi (Ubuntu Level 1 Exam)
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Total Q&A: 94 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-01-05
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NO.1 hald is
A. a daemon that populates /dev with device nodes for system hardware.
B. a system-independent abstraction layer to hardware registers.
C. a daemon that sends events about changes in the system's hardware to applications.
D. a kernel subsystem that provides hardware access to all userspace applications.
Answer: C
Lpi original questions 117-199 117-199 117-199 test 117-199
NO.2 You manually changed the network configuration for eth2 in the configuration files. How would you
change the current settings for this network device only?
A. ifrestart eth2
B. ifdown eth2 ; ifup eth2
C. /etc/init.d/networking restart
D. /etc/network/interfaces
Answer: B
Lpi 117-199 117-199 original questions 117-199 117-199
NO.3 What sound daemon is used in a standard Ubuntu desktop installation?
A. alsa
B. arts
C. esd
D. jack
E. oss
Answer: C
Lpi 117-199 pdf 117-199 test answers 117-199 braindump
NO.4 You have installed a new window manager on an Ubuntu system, and find that it is not listed in the
"Session" menu on the graphical login screen. Which of the options below will fix this?
A. Create a file called ~/.Xsession and add a line which starts the window manager.
B. Add a suitable line to /etc/gdm/Xsession which starts the window manager.
C. Add an exec statement to /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc which starts the window manager.
D. Create a .desktop file and place it in /usr/share/xsessions.
Answer: D
Lpi 117-199 certification training 117-199 117-199 exam prep 117-199 117-199
NO.5 You want Nautilus to run in spatial-mode instead of browser-mode. What will accomplish this?
A. Edit the appropriate XML file in ~/.gconfd/*, locate the "always_use_browser" entry and set the value to
B. Set the "always_use_browser" key at the appropriate location in the gconf database to false.
C. Create an environment variable called NAUTILUS_ALWAYS_USE_BROWSER and set its value to
D. Edit ~/.nautilus/nautilus.conf and set the "always_use_browser" entry to false.
Answer: B
Lpi 117-199 demo 117-199 117-199 test 117-199 117-199 original questions
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NO.6 What text file is used to configure, among other things, the source databases used for resolving host
names, domain names, logins, and passwords?
A. /etc/shadow
B. /etc/resolv.conf
C. /etc/exports
D. /etc/services
E. /etc/nsswitch.conf
Answer: E
Lpi exam 117-199 117-199 braindump
NO.7 Which tool may be used to obtain a list of currently attached bluetooth devices?
A. lsbluetooth
B. hal-device-manager
C. hcidump
D. bluez-devices
Answer: B
Lpi exam prep 117-199 117-199 study guide
NO.8 You need to pause the CUPS printer HPLaserjet4, and you want to cancel all print jobs with a message,
"hello". Which command will do this?
A. cupsreject -c -r hello HPLaserjet4
B. cupsreject -p -m hello HPLaserjet4
C. cupsdisable -c -r hello HPLaserjet4
D. cupsdisable -p -m hello HPLaserjet4
Answer: C
Lpi exam simulations 117-199 pdf 117-199 exam 117-199 117-199
NO.9 What command is used to search repositories for packages whose name contains the string "ubuntu"?
A. apt-get -n search ubuntu
B. apt-cache -n search ubuntu
C. apt-cache -p search ubuntu
D. apt-file -n search ubuntu
E. apt-file -p search ubuntu
Answer: B
Lpi 117-199 exam 117-199 117-199
NO.10 What is file system journaling?
A. a feature implemented in some file system drivers that provides a snapshot journal entry of a file
system's entire state
B. a logging facility, implemented by the fsjournald daemon, that records all file system configuration
changes to /var/log/filesystems
C. a feature of some file system drivers that makes file system operations atomic across reboots
D. a feature of some file system drivers that makes all disk I/O operations atomic
Answer: C
Lpi practice test 117-199 practice test 117-199 questions
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