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Exam Code: 9L0-619
Exam Name: Apple (Mac OS X Deployment v10.5 Exam)
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Total Q&A: 91 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-01-04
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NO.1 Your organization has 100 Intel iMac computers. You are creating a NetInstall image on a Mac OS X
Server v10.5 computer. Which Automator action should you add if you want to specify that the finished
image can be accessed only by a specific subset of your iMac computers?
A. Define Image Source
B. Filter Computer Models
C. Filter Clients by IP Address
D. Customize Package Selection
E. Filter Clients by MAC Address
F. Apply System Configuration Settings
Answer: E
Apple 9L0-619 study guide 9L0-619 9L0-619 test answers 9L0-619
NO.2 In Mac OS X v10.5, which tool do you use to restore a multicasted image to a target volume?
A. asr
B. hdiutil
C. diskutil
D. Disk Utility
E. System Image Utility
Answer: A
Apple 9L0-619 braindump 9L0-619 exam dumps 9L0-619 exam simulations
NO.3 As an Apple Certified System Administrator in Apple.com. You should find a method to enforce
software usage policies. What should you do?
A. You should disable personal file sharing on all client computers.
B. You should disable port 548 on the main firewall to prevent access to external AFP sites.
C. You should enable port 8080 on the main firewall to prevent access to external AFP sites.
D. You should bind all client computers to a directory server and use preference management to manage
application access.
Answer: D
Apple answers real questions 9L0-619 test 9L0-619 exam dumps 9L0-619 original questions 9L0-619
NO.4 There is one folder named ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/ on a Mac OS X v10.5 computer. Please point
out what information is stored in it.
A. The computer's hardware settings
B. The user preferences that are tied to specific computers
C. The computer's license information
D. The access control lists specifying the local files to which network users have Read/Write access
Answer: B
Apple exam 9L0-619 original questions 9L0-619 certification 9L0-619 practice test
NO.5 As an Apple Certified System Administrator in Apple.com.Your company has a Mac OS X Server
v10.5 computer. An Internet-enabled disk image is a disk image that has been configured to copy its
contents to the volume where it is opened, and then move itself to the Trash.
Answer: A
Apple 9L0-619 pdf 9L0-619 9L0-619 9L0-619
NO.6 As an Apple Certified System Administrator in Apple.com.Your company has a Mac OS X Server
v10.5 computer. Which process should you use to implement software updates to client computers?
A. You should swupd_syncd
B. You should swsvrd_updated
C. You should useupdated
D. You should use httpd-1.3
Answer: D
Apple 9L0-619 pdf 9L0-619 9L0-619 pdf
NO.7 As an Apple Certified System Administrator in Apple.com .You are defining a workflow in Automator
that will automate the creation of custom NetBoot service images. Which statement is true?
A. The workflow must use actions available in Automator's System library.
B. Workflow creating NetInstall images can use The "Add User Account" action.
C. The results of one Automator action become the input to the next action in the workflow.
D. The workflow can branch based on the results of an action, causing just one of several defined actions
to be performed next.
Answer: C
Apple 9L0-619 test questions 9L0-619 9L0-619 9L0-619 certification training
NO.8 A Mac OS X Server v10.5 computer has the MAC address 0020114dbcef,the serial number
ABCD1234XYZ, and the IP address, which resolves to myserver.Apple.com. Which file will Mac
OS X Server use to automatically configure the computer?
A. 10.0.4.plist
B. ABCD12.plist
C. myserver.plist
D. 0020114d.plist
Answer: C
Apple exam 9L0-619 questions 9L0-619
NO.9 As an Apple Certified System Administrator in Apple.com.Your company has a Mac OS X Server
v10.5 computer. Which utility should you use to create images for NetBoot service?
A. You should use Memory Check Utility
B. You should use Disk Utility
C. You should use System Image Utility
D. You should use NetBoot Imaging Utility
Answer: C
Apple 9L0-619 9L0-619 study guide 9L0-619 test answers 9L0-619 demo
NO.10 Which command-line tool can display the ID of a specific installation package?
A. pkgs
B. pkgutil
C. swupdate
D. packagemaker
Answer: B
Apple 9L0-619 9L0-619
NO.11 As an Apple Certified System Administrator in Apple.com.Your company has two Mac OS X Server
v10.5 computers as Software Update servers. You want the Software Update service on one computer to
retrieve available software updates from the other, instead of both computers downloading updates from
Apple's public Software Update servers.What should you do?
A. You should edit the file /etc/swupd/swupd.conf
B. You should edit the file /etc/swupd/swupd.plist
C. You should edit the file /usr/share/swupd/html/index.sucatalog
D. You should edit the file /Library/Preferences/com.apple.SoftwareUpdate.plist
Answer: B
Apple 9L0-619 9L0-619 9L0-619
NO.12 As an Apple Certified System Administrator in Apple.com. You need distribute a bundle over a network.
Which factor will be the barrier for this process?
A. While transmitting through the network, the bundle will lose its resource fork.
B. User download will need huge network bandwidth for you cannot compress bundles,
C. Copying a bundle to multiple computers simultaneously through Apple Remote Desktop is impossible.
D. Users may accidentally download only a portion of a bundle when copying it to or from a server.
Answer: D
Apple 9L0-619 exam prep 9L0-619 answers real questions 9L0-619 9L0-619
NO.13 As an Apple Certified System Administrator in Apple.com. Your company has a Mac OS X Server
v10.5 computer. What should you do to display a list of the files installed by a flattened installation
package named "OfficeFiles.pkg"?
A. You should type pkgutil ---payload-files OfficeFiles.pkg and press Return in terminal.
B. You should open the OfficeFiles.pkg file in PackageMaker and choose List Files from the File menu.
C. You should choose Convert from the File menu, select the OfficeFiles.pkg file, then choose Bundle
from File Type pop-up menu, and click Save.
D. You should Control-click the OfficeFiles.pkg file, choose Show Package Contents from the pop-up
menu, and then double-click the Archive.bom file.
Answer: A
Apple test questions 9L0-619 9L0-619 9L0-619
NO.14 As an Apple Certified System Administrator in Apple.com, what should you do to synchronize the local
Software Update service catalog with Apple's public Software Update servers?
A. You should use command-line tool swupd
B. You should use command-line tool swsvrd
C. You should use command-line tool swupd_syncd
D. You should use command-line tool swsvrd_updated
Answer: C
Apple 9L0-619 9L0-619 9L0-619 answers real questions
NO.15 As an Apple Certified System Administrator in Apple.com.Your company has a Mac OS X Server
v10.5 computer. And a metapackage is an installation package that contains or references other
installation packages.
Answer: A
Apple exam prep 9L0-619 9L0-619 9L0-619 pdf
NO.16 As an Apple Certified System Administrator in Apple.com.Your company has a Mac OS X Server
v10.5 computer. And a metapackage is an installation package that contains installation scripts but no
installable files
Answer: B
Apple 9L0-619 exam simulations 9L0-619 9L0-619
NO.17 Which statement best defines the term "bundle" as it applies to the Mac OS X v10.5 file system?
A. A folder that is invisible in the Finder
B. A folder of files that the Finder displays as a single file
C. A folder of files that have been gathered and organized for deployment
D. A hierarchical directory structure containing resources geared for a specific purpose
Answer: D
Apple 9L0-619 9L0-619 9L0-619 braindump 9L0-619
NO.18 What is the main difference between a sparse bundle disk image and a sparse disk image?
A. The image data in a sparse bundle disk image is stored in single file, but the image data in a sparse
disk image is stored in multiple files.
B. The image data in a sparse bundle disk image is stored in multiple files, while the image data in a
sparse disk image is stored in a single file.
C. A sparse bundle disk image must be formatted as an HFS volume, while a sparse disk image may use
any format available for a Mac OS X volume.
D. As more files are added to a sparse bundle disk image, its file size increases, unlike a sparse disk
image, whose file size remains static as files are added.
Answer: B
Apple exam 9L0-619 9L0-619 9L0-619 braindump
NO.19 As an Apple Certified System Administrator in Apple.com. What can you perform with an Apple Remote
Desktop task server?
A. You can check the client information.
B. You can check the local network for ARD client computers.
C. You can arrange tasks for offline client computers.
D. You can turn on powered-down client computers using the Lights Out Management protocol.
Answer: C
Apple 9L0-619 9L0-619
NO.20 As an Apple Certified System Administrator in Apple.com.You are using System Image Utility to
configure a workflow used to create a NetInstall image. Which Automator action should you add to the
workflow if you want to specify that the finished image can be installed only on MacBook Pro computers?
A. You should add Define Image Source action
B. You should add Filter Computer Models action
C. You should add Filter Clients by IP Address action
D. You should add Customize Package Selection action
Answer: B
Apple test 9L0-619 9L0-619 certification training 9L0-619 practice test 9L0-619
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