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Exam Code: 000-N37
Exam Name: IBM (IBM i2 Text Chart Support Mastery Test v1)
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Total Q&A: 30 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-01
Your dream is very high, so you have to find a lot of material to help you prepare for the exam. ITCertKing IBM 000-N37 exam materials can help you to achieve your ideal. ITCertKing IBM 000-N37 exam materials is a collection of experience and innovation from highly certified IT professionals in the field. Our products will let you try all the problems that may arise in a really examinations. We can give you a guarantee, to ensure that candidates get a 100% correct answer.
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NO.1 When setting general application options (Using the tools menu, select options to
display the options; then select options\general), which of the following is NOT an option?
A. Enable time of day, day of week
B. Turn on auto save options
C. Turn on automatic searching for items on a target list
D. Change the highlight color of search results or the error text color
E. Turn on hyperlink detection
Answer: A
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NO.2 Which statement is TRUE of Text Chart Auto Mark?
A. Text Chart Auto Mark automatically imports data into iBase
B. Text Chart Auto Mark facilitates the mark up process by automatically locating key entities in
documents so that you can quickly add them to a chart
C. Text Chart Auto Mark can be used with pattern tracer to detect phone numbers
D. Text Chart Auto Mark Is used to detect vehicle registrations to automatically create and mark-up
vehicle entities
Answer: B
IBM 000-N37 000-N37 000-N37 braindump
NO.3 A workspace can contain many documents. How many charts can it contain?
A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. An unlimited number
Answer: B
IBM 000-N37 test 000-N37
NO.4 What is not available in the workspace summary?
A. A count of the number of entities and links in the workspace
B. The template on which the workspace is based
C. The total time the workspace has been open
D. The date and time when the workspace is created
E. The date and time when the workspace was last printed.
Answer: A
IBM pdf 000-N37 answers real questions 000-N37 test questions 000-N37
NO.5 The template report does not list/contain information on which of the following?
A. Pallettes
B. Entity types
C. Link types
D. Attributes
E. Attribute Slot Markers
Answer: A
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