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Exam Code: MB7-840
Exam Name: Microsoft (NAV 2009 C/SIDE Introduction)
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Total Q&A: 109 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-04
ITCertKing is website that can take you access to the road of success. ITCertKing can provide the quickly passing Microsoft certification MB7-840 exam training materials for you, which enable you to grasp the knowledge of the certification exam within a short period of time, and pass Microsoft certification MB7-840 exam for only one-time.
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NO.1 You are designing a new page. You have specified the type of the page and attached it to a table. You
need to add some controls that will display data. Which page element must you add before you start
creating new controls?
A. Container
B. Group
C. Part
D. ContentArea
Answer: A
Microsoft MB7-840 MB7-840 exam simulations
NO.2 When setting up Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 integration with an external application (for example,
Microsoft Office Access) by means of Microsoft Dynamics NAV ODBC, which limitations do you consider?
A. Microsoft Dynamics NAV ODBC driver does not work directly with Microsoft SQL Server
B. Data cannot be entered through Microsoft Dynamics NAV ODBC.
C. Microsoft Dynamics NAV ODBC cannot process zero-length strings.
D. Microsoft Dynamics NAV ODBC does not allow multiple user sessions.
Answer: AC
Microsoft MB7-840 exam MB7-840 MB7-840 MB7-840 demo
NO.3 Which objects in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 can be exposed as Web services?
A. Pages
B. Codeunits
C. Tables
D. XMLports
Answer: AB
Microsoft exam simulations MB7-840 braindump MB7-840 MB7-840 MB7-840
NO.4 Pages in the RoleTailored client have several controls that are not available on forms. What type(s) of
pages is it recommended that you use Cues, a new page control, on?
A. On Role Center and Document pages
B. On Document and Card pages
C. Only on the Role Center page
D. Only on ListPlus pages
Answer: C
Microsoft braindump MB7-840 certification MB7-840 demo MB7-840 MB7-840 answers real questions
NO.5 You are a Microsoft Dynamics NAV developer. You design a codeunit that must be able to
continuously receive events from an Automation server defined in it as a variable. How do you ensure this
behavior of the codeunit?
A. Define the variable of Automation type as a local variable on OnRun trigger and set SingleInstance
property of the codeunit to 'Yes'
B. Define the variable of Automation type as a local variable on OnRun trigger and set SingleInstance
property of the codeunit to 'No'
C. Define the variable of Automation type as a global variable and set SingleInstance property of the
codeunit to 'Yes'
D. Define the variable of Automation type as a global variable and leave SingleInstance property of the
codeunit as 'No'
Answer: C
Microsoft MB7-840 test questions MB7-840 original questions
NO.6 Which application objects cannot be run directly from the Object Designer?
A. Pages
B. Dataports
C. XMLports
D. MenuSuite
Answer: ACD
Microsoft exam simulations MB7-840 certification MB7-840 questions MB7-840 exam prep MB7-840 test
NO.7 How many objects are supported by the RoleTailored client in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009?
A. Six
B. Seven
C. Eight
D. Nine
Answer: A
Microsoft practice test MB7-840 MB7-840 MB7-840 certification
NO.8 When accessing a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 database using C/FRONT, which limitations do you
A. Keys cannot be activated within C/FRONT
B. Entries made by C/FRONT do not fire triggers
C. The C/FRONT granule requires a separate license
D. C/FRONT does not allow multiple user sessions
Answer: ABC
Microsoft study guide MB7-840 answers real questions MB7-840
NO.9 You need to create a multi-record page that enables users to simultaneously view multiple records from
a table and edit them if necessary. What type of page will you use?
A. List
B. RoleCenter
C. Worksheet
D. Document
Answer: AC
Microsoft MB7-840 MB7-840 MB7-840 original questions
NO.10 Which of the following pairs of values in a relational expression are comparable?
A. Integer and Decimal
B. Date and DateTime
C. Text and Option
D. Option and Integer
Answer: AD
Microsoft test questions MB7-840 MB7-840 MB7-840 demo
NO.11 Which limitations do you consider when working with OCX custom controls?
A. Special license is required to run objects containing OCX controls.
B. C/SIDE does not support call-back from OCX.
C. Custom visual controls can only be used in the RoleTailored client.
D. Custom controls must return values in a format that conforms to C/AL.
Answer: BD
Microsoft MB7-840 MB7-840 MB7-840
NO.12 Which component of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 platform enables integration through Web
A. Winforms
B. Application Server
C. Microsoft SQL Server
D. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Answer: D
Microsoft practice test MB7-840 MB7-840 MB7-840 MB7-840
NO.13 Which of the following processes can be handled by Microsoft Dynamics NAV when using Web
A. User rights authorization
B. Concurrency control
C. Responding to user interaction requests
D. Input data validation
Answer: ABD
Microsoft certification MB7-840 demo MB7-840 exam prep
NO.14 Which of the following user communication functions is run non-modally?
Answer: B
Microsoft MB7-840 certification training MB7-840
NO.15 Which general C/SIDE concepts apply to pages as a new application object type in Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2009?
A. Properties, keys, data items, fields, C/AL, and triggers
B. Properties, request form, C/AL, controls
C. Properties, request page, sections, controls, and triggers
D. Properties, C/AL, controls, and triggers
Answer: D
Microsoft dumps MB7-840 MB7-840 MB7-840 MB7-840 MB7-840
NO.16 Which objects' main purpose is exporting and importing data in the RoleTailored client?
A. Dataports
B. XMLports
C. Pages
D. Codeunits
Answer: B
Microsoft MB7-840 exam prep MB7-840 MB7-840 test questions
NO.17 You are designing a new list page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. You need to set a card page that
is associated with the items in the current list page. Which property of the page is responsible for it and
replaces the Card-to-List functionality in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0?
A. LookupFormID
B. DrillDownFormID
C. RunFormLink
D. CardFormID
Answer: D
Microsoft braindump MB7-840 MB7-840 original questions MB7-840
NO.18 Which action type is the top level element in the Action Designer's actions hierarchy and is used to
accommodate other action subtypes?
A. Action Area
B. Action Pane
C. Action Container
D. Action Group
Answer: C
Microsoft MB7-840 answers real questions MB7-840 MB7-840 exam
NO.19 You have designed a blank form and attached a source table to it. You need to add a subform that
shows multiple records from another table. Which properties do you need to set for the subform?
A. SubFormLink
B. ParentControl
C. SubFomSource
D. SubFormID
Answer: AD
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NO.20 Which limitations do you consider when writing code that uses Automation?
A. Incoming data must conform to C/AL data type.
B. C/SIDE cannot receive events from the Automation servers that it controls.
C. Repetitive use of Automation server reduces performance.
D. Additional session is created when C/SIDE works with an Automation server.
Answer: AC
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