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Exam Code: 70-563
Exam Name: Microsoft (Designing and Developing Windows Applications Using the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 135 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-04
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NO.1 Rate your level of proficiency in validating an application design against specifications, including
analyzing the technical feasibility of application design, validating proof of concept, evaluating a design
against available resources, and evaluating test requirements.
A. I am considered an expert on this. I have successfully done this multiple times without assistance or
error. I train or supervise others on this activity. Others come to me when they have questions or need
assistance with this.
B. I have successfully done this without assistance and with few errors, but I do not train or supervise
others on this activity.
C. I am proficient at this. I have successfully done this on my own, but I occasionally require assistance
for some types of problems encountered when doing this and/or occasionally make minor errors.
D. I have successfully done this with the assistance of others or specific instructions.
E. I am a novice. I have not yet done this or am learning.
Answer: A
Microsoft 70-563 70-563 test answers 70-563 answers real questions
NO.2 You are creating a Windows application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.
The application accesses an external Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service by using the
following contract.
<ServiceContractAttribute(SessionMode:=SessionMode.NotAllowed)> _
Public Interface IOrderService
End Interface
The service contract has multiple operations. The operations will be called by the Windows application
when required.
For a single invocation of the application, you plan to maintain the information of the application state
between subsequent method calls to the WCF service. The application state information cannot be
persisted once the application closes.
You need to ensure that the application can consume the WCF service.
What should you do?
A. Save the information of the application state in the Windows application.
B. Save the information of the application state in a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database.
C. Save the information of the application state in the HttpContext.Current.Session property.
D. Use the binding and transport elements to support sessions for the WCF service in the Windows
Answer: A
Microsoft 70-563 70-563 70-563 test
NO.3 You create a Windows application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.
The application is used for stock trading purposes. The application has the following features:
The application is deployed to workstations that contain four monitors.
Only one instance of the application can be run at a time.
The application has a multiple-document interface (MDI).
A third-party control is used on the Windows form to display real-time data by using graphs.
The stack of monitors on each workstation is two monitors high and two monitors wide.
When multiple stock quotes are viewed at the same time, the Windows form has to be extended to
another monitor.
The information has to be viewed across the monitors together.
You need to modify the application to meet the following requirements:
Users can compare two or more stock quotes at the same time.
The Windows form can be maximized and restored to the monitor selected by the user.
Which two actions should you perform? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)
A. Add a Tab control to the Windows form and display one stock quote for each tab.
B. Add a Table control to the Windows form and display one stock quote for each column.
C. Convert the application to a single-document interface (SDI).
D. Allow multiple instances of the application to be run at the same time.
E. Write a code segment in the Load event of the Windows form. Set the Height property to twice the
height of the screen, and set the Width property to twice the width of the screen.
Answer: DE
Microsoft test answers 70-563 70-563 original questions
NO.4 You are creating a Windows application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.
The application is deployed by using the XCopy command. Updates to the application are made available
through a Web site.
The number of users of the application increases.
You need to ensure that all users use the same version of the application.
What should you do?
A. Change the application to use the ClickOnce deployment method.
B. Run the application from a universal naming convention (UNC) path.
C. Create a Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) package for the application.
D. Write a bootstrap code that ascertains the availability of a new version of the application.
Answer: A
Microsoft 70-563 70-563 dumps 70-563 70-563 study guide
NO.5 You create a Windows application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.
The application is used for data entry purposes. The application has the following features:
Data is read from a shared Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database instance.
Data entered and saved by the users is temporarily stored in a local SQL Server 2008 Compact edition
database instance.
When the users log off from the application, new records from the local database instance are
synchronized to the shared database.
You discover that the performance of the application is affected when multiple users log off from the
application at the same time.
You need to design a performance improvement strategy for the application by using minimum amount of
cost, time, and development effort.
What should you do?
A. Upgrade the local database to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express edition.
B. Modify the application to synchronize data into the shared database as soon as the users save their
C. Write a Web service that synchronizes data to the shared database. Call the service when the users
log off from the application.
D. Store the data entered by the users temporarily in an XML file. Merge the new records from the local
XML file to the shared database when the users log off from the application.
Answer: B
Microsoft 70-563 practice test 70-563 answers real questions 70-563 practice test 70-563
NO.6 Rate your level of proficiency in designing security implementation, including designing data
transmission and storage, authentication and authorization, and role-based security.
A. I am considered an expert on this. I have successfully done this multiple times without assistance or
error. I train or supervise others on this activity. Others come to me when they have questions or need
assistance with this.
B. I have successfully done this without assistance and with few errors, but I do not train or supervise
others on this activity.
C. I am proficient at this. I have successfully done this on my own, but I occasionally require assistance
for some types of problems encountered when doing this and/or occasionally make minor errors.
D. I have successfully done this with the assistance of others or specific instructions.
E. I am a novice. I have not yet done this or am learning.
Answer: A
Microsoft study guide 70-563 study guide 70-563
NO.7 You have developed a console application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1. The console
application uses a set of assemblies for the business logic and the data layer.
You plan to convert the console application to a Windows Forms application.
You need to design a conversion strategy by using minimum amount of time and development effort.
What should you do?
A. Convert the console application and all the data layer assemblies to the .NET Framework 3.5.
B. Convert the console application to the .NET Framework 3.5 by using the conversion wizard of Microsoft
Visual Studio .NET 2008.
C. Upgrade the business logic and the data layer assemblies to the .NET Framework 3.5. Convert the
console application to Windows Forms.
D. Retain the business logic and the data layer assemblies as the .NET Framework 1.1 assemblies.
Convert the console application to Windows Forms.
Answer: D
Microsoft 70-563 70-563 braindump 70-563 70-563 demo
NO.8 You create a Windows application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.
You create a Windows user control in the application.
The application contains the following code segment. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)
01 public struct FullName
02 {
03 public string FirstName { get; set; }
04 public string LastName { get; set; }
05 }
The user control has a property named UserName of the FullName type. You add the user control to a
Windows form.
During the design phase, the UserName property must be allowed to update the FirstName and
LastName properties as comma-delimited values in the property window.
You need to ensure that the properties in the FullName structure are represented as string values.
What should you do?
A. Create a TypeConverter class for the FullName structure.
B. Override the ToString method for the FullName structure.
C. Implement the IFormattable interface for the FullName structure.
D. Implement the IConvertible interface for the FullName structure.
Answer: A
Microsoft 70-563 70-563
NO.9 You maintain a Windows Forms application and an ASP.NET application.
The Windows Forms application has the following features:
The application impersonates the logged-on user.
The data is stored in a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database.
The application grants user access to data by calling the IPrincipal.IsInRole method on the basis of user
The ASP.NET application uses forms-based authentication to authenticate users.
You need to share the login and user role information between the Windows Forms application and the
ASP.NET application.
What should you do?
A. Modify the Windows Forms application to use client application services instead of impersonation.
B. Add a WebBrowser control to the Windows Forms application to display the ASP.NET login page.
C. Enable integrated security between the Windows Forms application and the Microsoft SQL Server
2008 database.
D. Enable SQL Server authentication between the Windows Forms application and the Microsoft SQL
Server 2008 database.
Answer: A
Microsoft practice test 70-563 70-563 dumps 70-563 braindump 70-563
NO.10 You create a Windows application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.
You plan to evaluate an application design that contains the following specifications:
Common dialog controls are used to browse through files and folders.
Files are saved by using the StreamWriter object.
When the Save button is clicked, a MessageBox control displays a message.
The message warns the user about the requirement for elevated rights.
You need to ensure that the application meets the following requirements:
It works compatibly on Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Vista operating systems.
It follows Windows Vista User Experience guidelines.
It is able to save a physical file outside the application folder when the Save button is clicked.
What change in design should you recommend?
A. Use the isolated storage mechanism to store the file.
B. Enable the user to execute the application as an administrator.
C. Display the SystemIcons.Shield icon next to the Save button and remove the MessageBox control.
D. Write a Windows service that exposes a remoting object to save the file, and then run the service
under the LocalSystem account.
Answer: C
Microsoft dumps 70-563 70-563
NO.11 Rate your level of proficiency in planning user interaction and presentation, including planning data
capture, designing user interface components, and designing a data binding strategy.
A. I am considered an expert on this. I have successfully done this multiple times without assistance or
error. I train or supervise others on this activity. Others come to me when they have questions or need
assistance with this.
B. I have successfully done this without assistance and with few errors, but I do not train or supervise
others on this activity.
C. I am proficient at this. I have successfully done this on my own, but I occasionally require assistance
for some types of problems encountered when doing this and/or occasionally make minor errors.
D. I have successfully done this with the assistance of others or specific instructions.
E. I am a novice. I have not yet done this or am learning.
Answer: A
Microsoft test questions 70-563 practice test 70-563 exam dumps 70-563 exam dumps
NO.12 You create a Windows application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.
You review the design for a Windows application that has the following features:
The data layer sends and receives data updates by using Microsoft Messaging Queue (MSMQ) 4.0.
Data is stored in a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 server database instance.
Data from a DataSet object is displayed in a DataGrid control.
The application is deployed to portable computers that can access the corporate network only when
plugged on to it. The data must be most securely stored when the computer is in offline mode.
You need to ensure that the portable computers can update data even when offline.
What should you do?
A. Change the data layer to use a local XML file instead of MSMQ.
B. Change the data layer to use a local data cache along with Microsoft Sync Services instead of MSMQ.
C. Create an ASP.NET Web service to receive data updates from the portable computers.
D. Create a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service to send and receive data updates from
the portable computers.
Answer: B
Microsoft 70-563 70-563 70-563 70-563
NO.13 You are creating a Windows application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.
The application will access an external Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service by using the
following contract.
public interface IOrderService
The service contract has multiple operations. The operations will be called by the Windows application
when required.
For a single invocation of the application, you plan to maintain the information of the application state
between subsequent method calls to the WCF service. The application state information cannot be
persisted once the application closes.
You need to ensure that the application can consume the WCF service.
What should you do?
A. Save the information of the application state in the Windows application.
B. Save the information of the application state in a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database.
C. Save the information of the application state in the HttpContext.Current.Session property.
D. Use the binding and transport elements to support sessions for the WCF service in the Windows
Answer: A
Microsoft 70-563 70-563 study guide 70-563 70-563 test answers 70-563 questions
NO.14 Rate your level of proficiency in designing the application architecture, including designing n-layer
architecture, planning a component reuse strategy, and planning multithreaded implementation and user
interface responsiveness.
A. I am considered an expert on this. I have successfully done this multiple times without assistance or
error. I train or supervise others on this activity. Others come to me when they have questions or need
assistance with this.
B. I have successfully done this without assistance and with few errors, but I do not train or supervise
others on this activity.
C. I am proficient at this. I have successfully done this on my own, but I occasionally require assistance
for some types of problems encountered when doing this and/or occasionally make minor errors.
D. I have successfully done this with the assistance of others or specific instructions.
E. I am a novice. I have not yet done this or am learning.
Answer: A
Microsoft demo 70-563 demo 70-563 70-563 70-563
NO.15 Rate your level of proficiency in planning application deployment and maintenance, including planning
for multiple component application development and planning performance monitoring and exception
management strategies.
A. I am considered an expert on this. I have successfully done this multiple times without assistance or
error. I train or supervise others on this activity. Others come to me when they have questions or need
assistance with this.
B. I have successfully done this without assistance and with few errors, but I do not train or supervise
others on this activity.
C. I am proficient at this. I have successfully done this on my own, but I occasionally require assistance
for some types of problems encountered when doing this and/or occasionally make minor errors.
D. I have successfully done this with the assistance of others or specific instructions.
E. I am a novice. I have not yet done this or am learning.
Answer: A
Microsoft questions 70-563 70-563 70-563
NO.16 You plan to create a Windows application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.
The Windows application must use a proprietary protocol to connect to a Windows Communication
Foundation (WCF) service. The application persists data to a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database by
using the WCF service.
You need to analyze the feasibility of creating the application.
Which proof of concept should you create?
A. A Windows application that connects to a WCF service by using HTTP
B. A Windows application that connects directly to a SQL Server 2008 database
C. A Windows application that connects to a WCF service by using the proprietary protocol
D. A Windows application that connects to a WCF service by using HTTP and persists data to a SQL
Server database
Answer: C
Microsoft pdf 70-563 exam dumps 70-563 70-563 exam prep 70-563 70-563
NO.17 How many years of experience do you have in developing Windows-based applications by using
Windows Forms technologies in .NET Framework 3.5?
A. I have not done this yet.
B. Less than 6 months
C. 6 months 1 year
D. 1 2 years
E. 2 3 years
F. More than 3 years
Answer: A
Microsoft practice test 70-563 dumps 70-563 original questions
NO.18 You create a Windows application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.
The application uses a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database.
You discover that the application is non-responsive and performs slowly at certain times during the day.
Twenty-five additional users are added to the application to meet a deadline.
You need to ensure that all users experience a consistent level of high application performance
throughout the day. You want to achieve this goal by using minimum development effort.
Which two actions should you perform? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)
A. Use the CommandBehavior.CloseConnection option and the DataReader objects.
B. Perform a stress test on all the components. Change all the components to inherit from the
System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent class.
C. Create a Test Harness application to test the serialization of DataSet objects. Serialize multiple
versions of the DataSet objects whenever possible.
D. Use the SQL Server Profiler tool to identify functions that call stored procedures in the database. Divide
these functions into multiple queries.
E. Create a Test Harness application to test the performance of remoting proxies. Change the remoting
proxies to use the TcpChannel class instead of the HttpChannel class.
Answer: AE
Microsoft 70-563 70-563 braindump
NO.19 You are creating a Windows application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.
You plan to evaluate the design strategy of the application.
The design strategy contains the following elements:
The application uses the ClickOnce deployment.
The application runs on computers that have the Microsoft Windows 98 operating system, a 256-MB RAM,
and a 1-GB disk space.
The application transmits the collected data to a server by using a Windows Communication Foundation
(WCF) service.
The application must meet the following requirements:
It displays real-time data.
It gathers data from a serial interface.
The code written for it is small and can be easily deployed.
You discover that the design strategy does not function properly.
You need to ensure that the design strategy functions appropriately.
What should you recommend?
A. Transmit data directly to the database server.
B. Change the application to a console application.
C. Upgrade the operating system to Microsoft Windows XP.
D. Create a Microsoft Windows Installer .MSI installation package for the application.
Answer: C
Microsoft exam 70-563 70-563 questions 70-563 answers real questions
NO.20 You create a Windows application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.
You create a Windows user control in the application.
The application contains the following code segment. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)
01 Public Structure FullName
02 Public FirstName As String
03 Public LastName As String
04 End Structure
The user control has a property named UserName of the FullName type. You add the user control to a
Windows form.
During the design phase, the UserName property must be allowed to update the FirstName and
LastName properties as comma-delimited values in the property window.
You need to ensure that the properties in the FullName structure are represented as string values.
What should you do?
A. Create a TypeConverter class for the FullName structure.
B. Override the ToString method for the FullName structure.
C. Implement the IFormattable interface for the FullName structure.
D. Implement the IConvertible interface for the FullName structure.
Answer: A
Microsoft certification 70-563 70-563 70-563
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