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Exam Code: LOT-701
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application Development Update)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 86 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-10-15
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NO.1 What information is reported on the Profile document for an agent that has been profiled?
A. Class, Method, Operation, Calls, Time
B. Statement, Execution Count, Execution Time
C. Start Time, End Time, Total Statements Executed
D. Agent, Server, Statement, Calls, Milliseconds Run
Answer: A
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NO.2 Jackie has a number of shared actions in her Domino application, and she needs to make sure the
action buttons are all using standard Notes icons. What new feature in Domino Designer can she check to
find this information?
A. The Icon Type section of the Design Synopsis.
B. The shared actions design column for icon type.
C. The Icon field in the Shared Action property dialog box.
D. The Find Shared Actions button in the Action Bar design element.
Answer: B
IBM certification LOT-701 test LOT-701 test
NO.3 Gail has a complex column defined in an existing view in her Domino application. She would like to use
this column in four other views. How should she make this a shared column to be used in the other views?
A. Select the column and choose Create - Copy As Shared Column.
B. Select the Share this column option in the Column Properties dialog box.
C. Copy the column into the other views and choose Share this column in the Column Properties dialog
D. Copy the column from the existing design and paste it into the Shared Column design area in Domino
Answer: A
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NO.4 Bertha has a number of open Notes documents in her Notes client, and she would like to quickly close
all the tabs at once. How can she do this?
A. Actions - Close All Tabs
B. File - Close Current Open
C. Actions - Close Current Open
D. File - Close All Open Window Tabs
Answer: D
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NO.5 Rebecca has a number of shared actions in her Domino application, but she needs to quickly
determine which actions display in the action bar and which actions display in the menu. What feature in
Domino Designer can she check to find this information?
A. The Shared Action Location section of the Design Synopsis.
B. The Location field in the Shared Action property dialog box.
C. The Find Shared Actions button in the Action Bar design element.
D. The shared actions design columns for action bar and menu locations.
Answer: D
IBM exam simulations LOT-701 test LOT-701
NO.6 Jose needs to modify a Domino application that has a Web service as part of the application design.
Where can he find the Web service design element?
A. Other - Web Services
B. Shared Code - Agents
C. Shared Code - Web Services
D. Shared Resources - Web Services
Answer: C
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NO.7 Tom needs to add a form alias named frmInvoice to his Invoice form design element. How can he add
this information to the form design?
A. Add the alias in the Alias field in the Form Properties dialog box.
B. On the Object tab in the Programmer's pane, select Alias and add the form alias.
C. Select the Invoice form in the Domino Designer client and click in the Alias column to edit the alias.
D. Delete the existing form and recreate it, specifying the alias name when the form is initially created.
Answer: C
IBM LOT-701 questions LOT-701 certification training
NO.8 Tony has deleted a Shared Column in Domino Designer, but it was still used in a view. What will
happen to that column in the view?
A. The column will remain in the view.
B. The column will be flagged as "hidden".
C. The column will be deleted from the view.
D. Domino Designer will not let you delete a Shared Column that is still being used in at least one view.
Answer: A
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NO.9 Sally has a JavaScript library design element in a Domino application that was last signed by a
developer who no longer works for the company. What new feature can she use in ND7 to resign that
single design element with her ID?
A. Edit the JavaScript library design element and resave it.
B. Highlight the library in Domino Designer and click the Sign button.
C. Click the Sign button on the Design tab of the Design Properties box.
D. Launch the Administrator client and use Tools - Sign - Script Libraries.
Answer: B
IBM LOT-701 LOT-701
NO.10 Tony needs to change a Shared Column formula, but he needs to know what views will be affected by
this change. How can Tony determine which views use a specific Shared Column?
A. In Domino Designer, Tools - Find Shared Columns
B. In Domino Designer, File - Database - Design Synopsis
C. In Domino Designer, Design - Design Properties - Shared Column Use
D. In Domino Designer, Shared Columns - Who is using this Shared Column
Answer: D
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