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Exam Code: 078-702
Exam Name: Microsoft (Designing and Managing a Microsoft Business Intelligence Solution)
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Total Q&A: 75 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-20
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NO.1 A user was added to the Report Builder role. Which of the following tasks would the user not
have access to?
A. Consume reports
B. Manage individual subscriptions
C. Manage reports
D. View folders WCalibriTahomaZ
Answer: C
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NO.2 Which of the following is true about actions in SSRS? Choose the 2 that apply.
A. Parameters cannot be passed when the action is used to go from one report to another.
B. Expression can be used to open a dynamically-created URL.
C. Bookmark action allows users to go to another area of the report.
D. Actions cannot be conditionally executed. WCalibriTahomaZ
Answer: BC
Microsoft study guide 078-702 study guide 078-702 078-702
NO.3 Which of the following is true about publishing SSRS reports to a SharePoint library? Choose
the 2 that apply.
A. The report can be published using either Report Designer or SharePoint site actions.
B. Files are validated before being published.
C. The name extension changes when a shared data source file is published to a SharePoint site.
D. Subreports can reside in a different folder than the main report on a SharePoint site.
Answer: BC
Microsoft 078-702 questions 078-702 078-702
NO.4 Which of the following is a global variable?
A. TimetoExecute
B. Constants
C. UserName
D. ReportName WCalibriTahomaZ
Answer: D
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NO.5 A total count of active statuses needs to be displayed that would look at the status column
and determine which row to add based on the Active status flag.
What is the correct expression?
A. =IIF (Fields!Status.Value="Active",Sum(Fields!Status.Value),"")
B. =Sum (IIF(Fields!Status.Value = "Active", 1, 0))
C. =IF (Fields!Status.Value="Active",Sum(Fields!Status.Value),"")
D. =Sum (IF(Fields!Status.Value = "Active", 1, 0)) WCalibriTahomaZ
Answer: B
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NO.6 Several actions were created on the cube using different target types.
What action would be supported by the analytic grid?
A. Cube
B. Level
C. Hierarchy
D. Cell WCalibriTahomaZ
Answer: D
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NO.7 Which scorecard templates design is based on values defined by users in the KPI wizard?
A. Analysis Services
B. Blank Scorecard
C. SharePoint List
D. Fixed Value WCalibriTahomaZ
Answer: D
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NO.8 Which of the following is true about data regions in SSRS? Choose the 2 that apply.
A. Multiple data regions from the same report dataset can be linked if identical expressions and
scopes for the appropriate filter expressions, sort expressions and group expressions are used.
B. Data region can aggregate data from multiple datasets.
C. One data region can be nested inside another one.
D. Subtotals cannot be created in a matrix data region WCalibriTahomaZ
Answer: A,C
Microsoft original questions 078-702 078-702 test
NO.9 Which of the following is true about parameters in SSRS? Choose the 2 that apply.
A. Report parameter can be used as an input parameter for the stored procedure.
B. Parameters cannot be passed from one query to another to populate another report parameter.
C. Parameters can be used as dataset filters.
D. Parameters collection cannot be accessed through expressions. WCalibriTahomaZ
Answer: A,C
Microsoft 078-702 078-702 questions 078-702 questions
NO.10 The Monitoring Central web page provides a link to the Dashboard Designer installation, which
requires a connection to which of the following server syntax?
A. http://
B. http:// 40000
C. http://:/Central
D. http:///Central WCalibriTahomaZ
Answer: C
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Article Link: http://www.itcertking.com/078-702_exam.html