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Exam Code: MB5-855
Exam Name: Microsoft (C5 2010 Advanced Programming)
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Total Q&A: 72 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-20
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NO.1 Which of the following describes the use of table and sub table synchronization in a table traverse?
A. Main-table ==Sub-table
B. Sub-table == Main-table
C. Main-table.fieldname = Sub-table.fieldname
D. Sub-table.fieldname == Main-table.fieldname
Answer: D
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NO.2 If a normal user, uses the report generator to run and save a report, in which file is the report saved?
Answer: B
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NO.3 Which of the following statements describes global macros?
A. Global macros can execute directly in the development menu
B. Global macros can execute when triggered by other runs
C. Global macros can execute when the macro #Global_macro is used first
D. Global macros are always executed after macro libraries
Answer: B
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NO.4 Which of the following statements describes the use of functions? Choose the 2 that apply.
A. A function is always compiled with the code that calls the function
B. A function can be created as a global function
C. A function can be created as a local function
D. A function can return a value
Answer: B, D
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NO.5 Which of the following types of elements can be part of the version control.? Choose the 2 that apply.
A. DBD table
B. HLP Help
C. IDX index
D. DAT Data
Answer: A, C
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NO.6 What is the maximum length a string variable can be in the XAL language?
A. 250 characters
B. 500 characters
C. 1,000 characters
D. 1,250 characters
Answer: C
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NO.7 Which start-up parameters do you have to use to develop in Microsoft Dynamics C5 using the English
A. Parameter -Cuk
B. Parameter -Luk
C. Parameter -Suk
D. Parameter -Muk
Answer: A
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NO.8 Which of the following statements describes functions you choose with F2?
A. Functions in the XAL language must have parameters to return a value
B. Functions are recognized in the XAL language by the name being followed by a set of normal brackets
with or without parameters
C. You can use table buffers as parameters to the functions
D. When you use table buffers in a function, you must remember to transfer Recld as the first parameter
after the buffer
Answer: B
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NO.9 Which line type must you select to calculate numeric values in the Ad-hoc Report generator?
Answer: C
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NO.10 Which of the following syntaxes describes the use of conditional structures (IF statements)?
A. IF &Answer == 1 THEN PRINT &Answer
B. IF &Answer == 1 THEN PRINT &Answer ENDIF
C. IF &Answer = 1 THEN PRINT &Answer
D. IF &Answer = 1 THEN PRINT &Answer ENDIF
Answer: B
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